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Investment Advisory and Asset Management
Recruiting Expertise

Insurance, Boston, MA

Under the comprehensive umbrella of wealth management, we have sourced candidates to the component areas of investment, administration and marketing. These firms are of varying scope and size involved in originating and managing client assets.

Representative searches have been for trust companies, family offices, private equity, alternative investments, natural resources investments, hedge funds, institutional and private wealth managers.


Roles we have sourced candidates for include:

Traders, chief investment officers, portfolio managers, quants, investment and data analysts, economists. operations, analysts, operations, IT, client relationship managers, sales, compliance, legal, accounting, due diligence and varied administrative support in lines of business.

Representative client firms we have worked with are: AXA Advisors, Ayco Financial, Ameriprise, Atlantic Trust, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Eastern Bank, Fiduciary Trust, John Hancock, Hancock Natural Resources Group Lenox Advisors, Manchester Capital, Northern Trust , Sapers & Wallack, SilverBridge and US Trust.

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